Managing our money can be tough. It’s not something we are taught in school, and sometimes our parents don’t even teach it to us either!
Trying to save money can ban challenging, especially when we don’t have a goal in mind. Using a savings tracker can help you stay on track and reach of goal!
A while ago I shared my savings tracker pages that I use in my bullet journal.
Wow! People loved this idea and I’ve got a stream of emails asking if I had a printable version of the “piggy bank” tracker.
So I decided to help you out by making a free printable savings tracker (complete with piggy bank!) to help you with your goal of saving more money!
Table of Contents
Savings Tracker – Why You Need One
You might think that you can save money without a goal or a savings tracker, but, trust me, it is a LOT easier if you do track for savings!
Everyone knows that they need to have some money put aside, even if it’s just an emergency fund. You might have good intentions of savings percentage of your wages each week, but it can be tough to stick to it.
Well, life happens! You might decide you are going to save $100 each week. But one week it’s your friend’s birthday, so you need a little extra money to spend on that. The next week there is a big sale on at your favorite store, so you need a little extra money for that. Before you know it, weeks have passed and you haven’t saved any money!
A saving tracker will help you stay accountable and put money aside each week.
It will also help you set a financial goal and stick to it!
How to Use a Savings Tracker
Savings trackers are very simple to use, but their success depends on you getting into the habit of filling it out every week (or every month).
Therefore, I suggest that you put the tracker somewhere you will see it often. If you use a bullet journal or planner, then I’d suggest you put it in there. Otherwise, simply putting it on your fridge would work!
The more prominent it is, the more likely you will be to use it!
$5,000 Savings Challenge
If you would like to take part in the $5,000 savings challenge – where you save $5,000 in one year (perfect to jump-start you to saving for a deposit on a house or car!), then I have a printable pack that is perfect for you!
Check out my post about the house deposit savings challenge.
These printable pages are pre-filled with your target savings amount each week. Over the 52 week challenge, you will save $5,200!
Some people have asked why are the amounts different each week. Why not just do $100 a week?
The amounts differ so that you are more intentional about your saving. When you do the exact thing again and again you lose focus on it. By changing it up every week you are going to pay more attention to your savings.
Of course you can use the blank tracker to do $100 a week if you would prefer.
Set Your Own Savings Goal
Maybe you have a different savings goal in mind? Or you want a bit more flexibility?
No fear! I also have a blank savings tracker for you! These printable pages also track 52 weeks, but the amount you save each week has been left blank for you to fill in yourself.
I strongly recommend that you set yourself a goal and do your best to stick to it, rather than just seeing how much you save that week and then filling in the amount.
Using the Tracker
Both tracker packs have a “goal setting” sheet at the beginning. It asks a few simple questions about what you are saving for and WHY that goal is important to you.
Please take your time to fill out this section. When we understand our motivation behind a goal, then we are a LOT more likely to stick to it!
Once you’ve answered the questions then the fun part begins! Each week when you put the money into your savings account (or under your mattress… do it your own way!), you can color in the little piggy bank for that week!
Over time you will fill in all the little piggies and your tracker will look more and more complete. There is something about coloring the piggies, and wanting every piggy to be colored, that motivates people to keep saving!
I’d love to see photos of your filled savings tracker!
Stay On Track
Well, that’s about it! It really is very simple but also very effective. However, it is likely that you will have weeks where you won’t meet your savings goal.
Don’t think of these weeks are “failures” and give up! It’s OK to have a couple of little slip-ups, but the important thing is that you recover and keep going. Don’t be a quitter!!!!
What’s Included in The Printable Savings Tracker Pack
In each free printable savings tracker pack you will receive the following:
Note: The $5k Savings Challenge will have pre-filled amounts. The blank savings tracker has spaces for you to fill in your own weekly and annual savings goals.
Cover Page
If you decide to add your savings tracker to a binder or planner, then I’ve included a cover page too. You don’t have to use this or even print it out if you don’t need it!
Goal Setting
The second page is a goal-setting page. I decided this above and it’s important to take the time to answer these questions, as they will help motivate you to stick with your new savings habit.
52 Week Page
This page has 52 cute little piggy banks all on one page! This is great to stick into your bullet journal or planner. This is also the one that you could stick on your refrigerator!
4 Week Pages
The next pages show just 4 weeks on each page. The piggy banks are larger and more spread out – there are even little checkboxes for you to check them off too! This works well for binders and larger planners.
Notes Page
The last page is a blank lined page for you to jot down any notes. This is a space to keep you organized, so use it however you feel best!