Financial planning is so important. This post will show you the BEST personal financial planning books available!
No matter where you are in life, financial planning is important. You might be a college student, a young professional, new parents, saving up for your first home, an empty-nester… or anything in between.
Depending on the stage of life that you are in, depends on what should be a financial priority to you right now.
Growing up we are taught many things, but one thing that most people are not taught is sound financial management. Unfortunately, it is often something that we have to find out for ourselves… the hard way!
I know I’ve made my fair share of money mistakes over the years and I hope they are behind me, but I doubt it! Every life stage brings its own challenges.
Table of Contents
5 Best Personal Financial Planning Books
So, it is up to us to educate ourselves about financial planning and the best place to start is a good book!
Below are 5 books that will help you stabilize your finances and plan for the future.
The Total Money Makeover – Dave Ramsey
If you’ve ever looked into financial planning, then you have probably heard of Dave Ramsey. The rock star of the budgeting and debt-free world, Ramsey has plenty of advice to help you, no matter what your stage in life.
This book is truly life-changing and you won’t have to look far to find someone you know who has tried his methods and is better off for it. Truly one of the best personal financial planning books around!
Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties – Beth Kobliner
This book is aimed at people in their twenties and thirties who want to get a handle on their finances. But I feel the advice can be used by people of all ages, in all types of situations. Beth has some great back-to-basics advice, such as filing tax returns and improving your credit score.
This book also makes a great gift of college grads or anyone setting out on their own. There’s so much misinformation about finances and this book helps to dispel many of the myths that we were all brought up with.
Living Well Spending Less: 12 Secrets of the Good Life – Ruth Soukup
Ruth is a popular blogger with a very successful personal finance blog –, that has amazing resources for getting your financial life in order. This book offers her 12 top secrets for financial balance.
Her honest and down to earth writing style makes this an easy read. The advice is easy to implement and realistic for regular households. She will not only make you rethink your budget, but she will also make you rethink your mindset about money too!
Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?: 99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By – Carl Siegel
This is a quick and easy read, but you will gain so much from it. Aimed at high school and college grads, it gives the basics of money management. I like it because it breaks everything down into simple principles that anyone can follow.
This practical book is really suitable for anyone who struggles with their personal finances and doesn’t know where to start. The book is broken into sections that make it easy to read and reference.
Retire Inspired: It’s Not an Age; It’s a Financial Number – Chris Hogan
Once you have stabilized your finances, it is the time to start planning for retirement. I think this is one of the best books for personal retirement planning. This book covers what you should do in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond to make sure you have a secure financial future.
So many of us are completely clueless about retirement and what it will take for us to retire comfortably. Chris covers all the bases and even breaks down the confusing differences between Roth, Traditional IRA, 401 (K) etc. After reading this you will feel more prepared to create a secure future for yourself and your family.
Education is Power!
So there you have it! With these five books, you will have a very strong foundation to get yourself debt-free, live within your means, and plan for the future. Personal financial planning has never been so easy!
Financial stress is… well… stressful! By educating yourself and giving yourself the tools you need to succeed, you are reducing that stress and helping yourself find balance in an unbalanced world.
Financial is so incredibly important, and these books sounds great! I’ve always felt we should put more focus on personal financial planning in public schools over the focus of other things. I took a class in college on personal financial planning, and the entire time I’d shake my head and wonder, why didn’t they tell me all this stuff BEFORE I moved out, so much could have been prevented.
I need to invest in some of these books… I am just now trying to get my finances together at age 25. It stresses me out!!
I love David Ramsey! But I haven’t heard of The Total Money Makeover yet…don’t know why. I usually follow his stuff online or on podcast! Living debt free is the way to go. It was part of my Bucket List and several years ago I decided to actively pursue that. So far, No Credit Cards and No Student/Car Loans. Just have to whack this damn mortgage and I am golden!
I’m interested in reading some of those books! I’m trying slowly to gain some financial independence, and would like to know how to save and manage the money I get from my job well.